How to Organize Your Pilgrimage
Whether or not you have organized a group pilgrimage before, we would welcome the opportunity to discuss the possibility with you and walk you step-by-step through the process. All of our group organizers will testify that taking a pilgrimage has been one of the most rewarding experiences of their lives. For many it has provided for a strengthening of their faith, supplied them with endless material for their ministry, and provided a time of fellowship during which they have grown closer to their congregation.

1. Discover Your Group
So why not organize a pilgrimage? Just ask around your congregation and you’ll most likely be amazed at the amount of interest! Many new organizers are sometimes apprehensive at the prospect of leading a group and about the commitment involved. But on your part, all that is required is a desire to lead the pilgrimage and to help promote the trip to the members of your parish. George’s International Tours will take care of all the details and provide all of the logistical assistance you need, from the time of your first inquiry until you return safely home from your pilgrimage.

2. Decide on the Details
Once you make the commitment to organize your own pilgrimage there are several decisions you must make:
Once these decisions are made George’s International Tour’s goes to work customizing an itinerary to your exact specifications and working to negotiate the most favorable prices and terms with the hotels, airlines, and other travel suppliers.

3. George’s Does the Rest
On this website are several sample itineraries to provide you with an example of the type of pilgrimage that we can arrange for your group. Please keep in mind that our services are by no means limited to the destinations shown and the itineraries featured are just meant to provide you with an idea of what can be arranged. Our company specializes in operating customized pilgrimages around the world and we are qualified to assist you with the planning for a trip to any destination you desire.
So whether you are visiting the land of Christ’s birth, following in the footsteps of the Saints, or cruising on the Mediterranean, you can rest assure that George’s International Tours will prepare a carefully crafted itinerary for you and provide you with a unique and memorable travel experience. If you require any additional information about our services, or would like to get started planning a group pilgrimage of your own, please feel free to call upon us at any time.
We look forward to hosting you on a pilgrimage soon!